Fabric ducting can help control the environment within an indoor agriculture setup. It’s responsible for distributing conditioned air evenly throughout the indoor farming facility, maintaining the temperature and humidity levels required for optimal plant growth.

Fabric ducting systems provide superior air dispersion, are lightweight, and have a less invasive, faster installation process compared to traditional metal ductwork. They can be custom designed for the specific requirements of a space, and they provide uniform air distribution. They also will not sweat, rust or corrode. Significant cost savings, and custom aesthetics such as custom colors, logos and patterns.

By providing consistent and efficient air distribution, fabric ducting helps to maintain the optimal environment for plant growth. This ensures that plants grow healthier and faster, which can ultimately increase the overall yield of the indoor farm.

Fabric ducting is generally low maintenance. It’s typically designed to be machine washable, making it easy to keep clean. However, specific maintenance practices may vary based on the exact type and manufacturer of the fabric duct.

Yes, fabric ducting systems can often be tailored to meet the specific needs of a given space. This can include factors like size, shape, air dispersion needs, and more.

Fabric ducting is often made from recyclable materials, and its energy efficiency can contribute to a lower carbon footprint. However, the exact sustainability will depend on the specific manufacturing and use practices.

The best air dispersion type for your needs will depend on several factors, including the size, type and layout of your space, the climate, and the specific heating, cooling, or ventilation needs of your facility. A professional can provide advice based on these factors.

Custom ducting solutions can offer a range of air dispersion types. This includes micro-perforations for precise cooling, linear vents for focused directional airflow, nozzles for high-velocity targeted air, and more.

Air dispersion refers to the method by which air is distributed or spread throughout a space by a ducting system. Different dispersion types can be used depending on the needs of the space, such as cooling, heating, or ventilation needs.

We serve a wide range of industries including, but not limited to, commercial, residential, food industry, industrial manufacturing and distribution, health and wellness, educational, Indoor Agriculture, warehousing and sports facilities such as Gyms pools and Ice rinks.

The fabric duct system operates by using static pressure from a mechanical fan to disperse air through a specially engineered ducting diffuser made of fabric. It works much like traditional metal ducts, but it allows for a more uniform and efficient air distribution due to the use of permeable materials.

Fabric ducts offer several advantages over traditional metal ducts. They are lighter, more cost-effective, easy to install, and provide superior air distribution. Additionally, they can be laundered for hygiene maintenance, which is particularly beneficial for environments like food processing plants or hospitals.

Our fabric ducts are designed to be easy to clean. Most can be washed in a standard washing machine, but please check the specific cleaning instructions for your model. While they are easier to clean than metal ducts they will not require more cleaning than regular metal ducts. The level of filtration used and the type of space will often determine how frequently any duct needs to be cleaned. A professional can assist if you are unsure of a cleaning schedule.

Yes, fabric ducting systems can be tailored to fit the specific requirements of nearly any environment. This includes various shapes, sizes, colors, and air dispersion options to cater to unique architectural or aesthetic needs.

FAQs for Ductulator

The Prihoda Ductulator takes into account the volume of air and the system layout/type to ensure it is sized safely within our recommendations for the velocity or speed of the air flowing through the duct.

Having the right size of ducts helps to reduce the speed of the air and the loss of energy due to friction, which ultimately leads to lower energy consumption. However, ducts that are too large can be inefficient in terms of both space and cost.

Metal ducts are designed using equal friction method, whereas fabric ducts are designed using the static regain method. This means a metal duct will reduce more frequently (after each diffuser, or set of diffusers). Whereas a fabric duct will have many more openings per linear foot for more even air dispersion, making it unrealistic to reduce after each opening or set of openings. Static regain allows a fabric duct to run the same diameter for a longer distance.

We recommend reducing a fabric air dispersion system after around 100 linear feet as a rule of thumb. However, this is largely dependent on the layout, delivery, permeability, volume, available pressure, and obstacles/limitations in the space. We highly recommend contacting us for layout assistance for more complex systems than just a straight run.

First, unlike metal ducts, fabric ducts are more flexible and not rigid like metal duct. If sized too small the air could become unstable and very turbulent, this turbulence will be visible and if too violent can be detrimental to the longevity of the fabric duct.

Furthermore the velocity plays a crucial role in even air dispersion along the length of the duct sock. We evaluate the velocity pressure versus the static pressure to ensure we deliver the same volume of air near the inlet as we do near the endcap. If this ratio is outside of our recommendations there is a high risk of uneven air delivery.

Our ductulator provides conservative, or safe, sizing based on our experience over the last 30 years. If you require a smaller diameter than what our ductulator recommends please contact us for possible solutions.

Yes, the Ductulator is capable of sizing complex fabric duct sock layouts as it takes into consideration the cumulative effects of fittings and bends on airflow and pressure to ensure accurate calculations. Our AirTailor Software is especially useful for calculating complex systems as it will not only evaluate velocity, pressure, and vibration, but it can also analyze sound generation and throw.

Yes, sound generation in all ductwork is largely dependent on the velocity or how fast the air moves through the system. In addition, the pressure, material type and construction of the duct work play a role.

Fabric air sox will not allow sound from the unit to reverberate inside it and transmit through the space but the metal duct leading up to the fabric duct inlet can carry noise to the inlet of the fabric duct and the break out of the noise will be loudest at that transition point. For sound sensitive applications consider the use of metal silencers, internally lining the metal duct or the use of fabric sound attenuators.

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