Logiciel de conception AirTailor
Notre logiciel exclusif AirTailor® garantit une conception personnalisée précise.
Les produits Prihoda sont fabriqués sur mesure pour s’adapter à votre bâtiment et aux besoins spécifiques de ses occupants. Comme il ne s’agit pas d’un produit prêt à l’emploi, notre processus de conception analyse de nombreuses variables afin de garantir une solution optimale pour chaque espace. Le logiciel de conception AirTailor®, qui est unique aux systèmes de gaines textiles Prihoda, est capable d’analyser des données complexes et de générer des configurations uniques pour répondre aux besoins précis de votre situation.
Analyse computationnelle détaillée
Starting with the essential elements of your project—the type of application, the amount of air required, and the installation height—our software helps compute the precise specifics required for an optimum air distribution system in that space. we are able to create design a precise solution that meets your needs.
By altering any number of variables, we can distribute air in any space very precisely, in terms of direction as well as volume.

Circuits d'air simulés pour un confort optimal
Once we know the goals and specifics of your project, our powerful AirTailor® design software is able to determine optimum duct sizes, calculate system pressure losses, and customize the air flow pattern. For there, we are able to generate a custom price quotation for your exact requirements.
AirTailor® capabilities allow us to generate graphical profiles of both the direction and the velocity of air, with color coding that indicates velocity as air is moving away from the diffuser. Our goal is always to attain a specific air velocity at any given distance from the diffuser, and these graphical profiles give a clear visual of this up front, during the planning stage. This gives you the ability to design accurately for optimum effectiveness. Only Prihoda can provide this level of specificity in air distribution design.
Conception sonore, à tous les niveaux
Il est important de noter que parce que les diffuseurs en tissu ne permettent pas la réverbération du son à travers eux, le bruit d’évasion du ventilateur sera le plus élevé lors de la transition du métal au tissu et l’atténuation du son doit être prise en compte. Nos atténuateurs acoustiques Quietex sont une alternative aux silencieux de conduit traditionnels ou aux conduits revêtus

Based on all the variables unique to your application, Prihoda’s AirTailor® software is able to predict the exact noise level generated by diffusers. And this data allows us to design a complete air dispersion system that meets the noise level specifications of your particular project.
AirTailor® design software is capable of charting sound power levels across eight octave bands, from extremely low to extremely high frequencies. This information allows us to graph an air dispersion system’s Noise Criteria (NC) curve. So for a sound-sensitive application, such as a recording studio, our design process can specify the maximum NC level of the system in operation.

The software also lets us create virtual rooms to match whatever space you’re designing for. In AirTailor®, we can drop diffusers into the space and produce sound levels on a grid based on various distances from the diffuser.
Sound design — the ability to control for system sound up front, during the design stage — is unique to Prihoda.
Modèles de calcul auxiliaires

For extremely critical projects, we can also provide Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) animations to predict airflow patterns within a particular space. Using Ansys Fluent simulation software, we are able to model an entire room in great detail, including heat sources, occupants, equipment, and all air supply and returns. These advanced physics modeling capabilities allow us to create a precise simulation of air speeds and temperatures for the most exacting applications.